Fashion is a phenomenon that incorporates clothing, footwear and accessories. The term may also be applied to styles of behaviour and to attitudes. It also refers to the ways in which a particular culture perceives and interprets beauty, as expressed through art and literature. In the context of cultural identity, fashion has the ability to absorb and channel significant historical and social change and refract it in a purely aesthetic sense.
Garments not only serve to cover the human body and satisfy vanity, but also reflect a person’s social status and class. A judge’s robe, nun’s cassock or soldier’s uniform, for example, are signs of authority and rank and hold powerful symbolic significance. The miniskirt of the 1960s, for instance, symbolized women’s emancipation from a life of domestic servitude and a desire to show more of their bodies. Conversely, a nun or monk’s garments may represent their devotion to religious values and the rejection of worldly pleasures.
Fashion trends vary from place to place, and may be influenced by the culture of a region or even an individual’s ethnicity. These trends then become popularised by the media and are spread to others who may or may not choose to follow them. Those who do follow them are referred to as “fashionistas.”
Designers, pattern makers and seamstresses create the garments we wear. They often produce designs on paper or in computer software, and then make a prototype out of fabric (known as a toile or muslin) to ensure that the finished garment will fit properly. After a designer is satisfied with the toile, they will consult with a client or patron and have it made in the desired fabric type, colour and texture.
Once a garment has been manufactured, it is sold to a retailer, who then sells it to consumers. The industry is massive, employing millions of people in the design, manufacture and marketing of clothes. It is one of the world’s most profitable and influential industries, with its centre in New York City.
There is a growing trend for designers to publish their sketches and patterns for the purpose of encouraging public participation in the creation and dissemination of fashion. Some of these publications are called fashion magazines or fashion newspapers and have a wide readership.
The definition of fashion is constantly changing and evolving, as it is influenced by a wide variety of factors such as economics, politics, society and globalization. As the fashion industry is so interconnected, it is important to understand these influences in order to predict and respond to future changes. The key to this is communication and understanding – both between the different parts of the fashion industry, and with consumers. This will enable the industry to remain competitive and creative in a fast-changing world.