Psychological Research on Lifestyle

The lifestyle is the set of habits that govern how one spends time, energy and money. Those habits include how you work, exercise, learn, rest, spend time with friends, spend the evenings and weekends and generally engage with life. In addition, the lifestyle can also influence your mental and physical health. A healthy lifestyle includes good nutrition, regular exercise and enough sleep. It also entails not smoking, not drinking to excess and...

The Fashion Industry

Fashion is a phenomenon that incorporates clothing, footwear and accessories. The term may also be applied to styles of behaviour and to attitudes. It also refers to the ways in which a particular culture perceives and interprets beauty, as expressed through art and literature. In the context of cultural identity, fashion has the ability to absorb and channel significant historical and social change and refract it in a purely aesthetic...

How to Enjoy a Family Vacation

A family vacation is a great way for families to reconnect. It is an opportunity to spend time together and make memories that will last a lifetime. It can also be a chance for family members to relax and unwind from the stress of everyday life. Whether you are traveling by plane, train or automobile, there are several ways to make your family vacation enjoyable.Many people say that their happiest childhood memories come from family trips. These...

Health Benefits of Pets

Pets are a source of joy and companionship for their owners. They can also improve your overall health in a variety of ways, including lowering your risk of heart attack and depression. This is because pets make you feel good about yourself. They can also help you overcome feelings of loneliness, especially if you live alone or are a senior citizen. Pets can also serve as a social lubricant, encouraging you to get out and meet other...

How to Overcome Common Barriers to Travel

Travel is the movement of individuals from one place to another, usually across a distance. This movement can be motivated by leisure, business, education, exploration, or pilgrimage. People may travel locally, regionally, or internationally. It can be done on foot, by bicycle, automobile, train, bus, ship, airplane, or helicopter. The term travel can also refer to a period of time spent in one location, such as a vacation or holiday.Regardless...

The Concept of Lifestyle

The concept of lifestyle has been the focus of a broad spectrum of sociological and psychological perspectives and research. It has been described as a personal identity, a mode of living, a set of attitudes, a behaviour model, and a value system. Some scholars have argued that it can be used at global, structural, and positional levels; others believe that it can only be defined at the individual level, as a way of life or style of living...

Writing About Fashion

Fashion is a mode of expression, a way to communicate a person’s personality. It is often a means of gratifying vanity, but it also has great symbolic power. The clothes we wear send signals to others about our gender, age, and social class. They can even be used to display political beliefs and attitudes. For example, during the era of feminism, miniskirts signified freedom and emancipation. Conversely, cassocks and nuns’ robes have...

Destinations and Activities for the Best Family Vacations

When you look back on your happiest childhood memories, chances are that many of them involve your family vacations. And, for many families, this time away from the grind of daily life is more than just a fun getaway — it’s an invaluable bonding experience that can leave lasting happiness benefits for kids and adults alike. Whether your family travels together or separately, these experiences can help you overcome challenges and find joy in...

Choosing a Pet

A pet is an animal kept primarily for a person's company and entertainment rather than as a working animal, livestock or laboratory animal. People choose to keep pets ranging from dogs and cats to rabbits, birds and even reptiles. Despite the differences, all these animals have in common that they provide emotional and mental well being for their owners. As humans, we are able to connect with pets in ways that may not be possible with other...

Travel – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The term “travel” means different things to different people. The most common definition is moving from one place to another, but the word can also be used to describe a journey or adventure. Travel can be relaxing, educational or even challenging. It can be a chance to see new places and meet interesting people, or a way to escape the grind of everyday life. Many people enjoy travel because it allows them to recharge their batteries. It...