What Is Lifestyle?

A person’s lifestyle is the pattern of their everyday choices. This includes their consumption patterns, leisure activities, dress and eating habits. It also reflects their attitudes and values. A person’s lifestyle can be a source of pride or envy for others.

A healthy lifestyle is an important component of good health. It requires regular exercise, a diet of nutritious food and the avoidance of harmful substances. In addition to these basics, lifestyle can include a person’s social circles and personal habits. This article will discuss some of the factors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle, as well as tips on how to achieve these goals.

The word ‘lifestyle’ was first used in the 1960s, coined by a British anthropologist called Richard Spilsbury. He argued that the lifestyle of a person is a combination of their daily choices and philosophies. It is this totality of a person’s choices that determines their overall personality and worldview. He was also the originator of the term ‘hedonistic lifestyle’, meaning a person who focuses on pleasure and enjoyment.

People have a natural fascination with the lifestyles of celebrities and other well-known figures. This fascination fueled the growth of lifestyle magazines and other media that allowed the general public to see the glamorous lives of famous people. Many of these magazines promoted a certain lifestyle that they claimed was achievable by the average person, although this was rarely realistic.

A number of theories have evolved that conceive of lifestyle as a dynamic process. These are based on the idea that a person’s personality is built over their first years of life and shapes their decisions throughout their lifetime. They are often based on an individual’s underlying character traits, and these define the framework of guiding principles and values they use to make choices and judge situations.

Other theories prefer an external interpretation of the concept of lifestyle, and view it as a way of expressing one’s position in society. These ideas were most popularised by Max Weber and his notion of status groups. These are a set of behavioural models that identify and differentiate people, and determine their behaviour and interactions with each other.

The final theory of lifestyle identifies it as an internal aspect of the person’s character. This view was influenced by Alfred Adler and the ideas about personality that emerged from his work. The concept was further refined in the 1960s by Milton Rokeach’s behavioural research and Arnold Mitchell’s VALS research. These studies identified a range of hierarchically ordered values that determine methods and possibilities for satisfying needs.

The similarity between these various approaches demonstrates that they all recognise that lifestyle is a multidimensional phenomenon. However, the temporal dimension of this phenomenon remains a problem. It is not clear in the theories presented whether and how lifestyles form and evolve at different stages of life. For example, do lifestyles develop in a linear way or are they shaped by crises and changes at the individual and collective levels?