Lifestyle is the way a person lives. It includes their interests, opinions, beliefs and behaviours. It also includes the things they do, and the values and attitudes they have. The concept of lifestyle has become more popular in recent years, especially in the United States. This is because of the popularity of television shows that show glamorous lifestyles, and the proliferation of lifestyle magazines and products. People are drawn to lifestyles that they feel are desirable, such as the ability to buy luxury goods and travel frequently.
The term lifestyle has become a focus of interest in the fields of health and sociology. It is often used as a synonym for ‘behavioural patterns’, although there is a wider sense to the word. The aim of this article is to explore how the concept of lifestyle can be reworked from an explanatory perspective that can be applied in the field of health promotion, specifically in relation to healthy lifestyles.
There are currently two main definitions of lifestyle: those that emphasise the internal dimension and those that emphasise the external dimension. Theories that emphasise the internal dimension mainly focus on the individual’s personality and the expression of their uniqueness and creativity. They are based on the concept of style, which is derived from the use of this word in the artistic field to highlight the personal imprint [1].
The external dimension focuses on the social positioning of individuals within a social structure, as defined by the models of Max Weber and Thorstein Veblen. According to them, the lifestyles that individuals adopt are the result of their desire to distinguish themselves from social strata that they identify as inferior and a desire for emulation of those that they consider superior.
It is essential to understand that lifestyle is a complex construct and that it has a temporal aspect that is important to take into account. It is, therefore, necessary to analyse the different models and theories from both a psychological and sociological perspective in order to define the main aspects of this concept. The following analysis identifies the elements that characterise the concept of lifestyle and the main dimensions of healthy lifestyles, particularly their role in the formation of health behaviours. The most significant factors in a person’s lifestyle are their diet and body mass index. A healthy lifestyle is one that is balanced, which includes eating well and exercising regularly. In addition, it is necessary to have good emotional well-being and to avoid harmful substances like smoking and alcohol. The behavioural pattern of lifestyle has a direct impact on a person’s health and can contribute to diseases. For example, a poor diet can contribute to obesity and lead to health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. For this reason, it is essential to promote a healthy lifestyle and educate children about the importance of a balanced diet. This will help to improve the quality of life and reduce healthcare costs.