As far as the safety of travelers is concerned, many destinations have COVID-19 prevention measures in place. However, in many other cities, such as Mexico City, the situation is different. While COVID-19 can affect travelers at any time of the year, it is advisable to bring along a travel health kit, just in case. Natural disasters, like earthquakes and wildfires, are common in the United States. Severe storms can impede overland travel, and seasonal flooding can reduce essential services. In addition, many destinations have active shooter laws, and tourists should be familiar with these laws.
The Department of State recommends U.S. citizens consider reassessing their plans to travel abroad if they have COVID-19. A lot of areas in the world are experiencing outbreaks of COVID-19, and countries may temporarily or permanently restrict travel. In these cases, CDC recommends that travelers wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating or touching their faces. Similarly, alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol are also recommended. People should wash their hands after going to the bathroom and whenever they see visible dirt or grease.
The most important precaution for travelers with COVID-19 is self-quarantine. People who have symptoms should be tested within five days after contacting another person with the disease. If the test comes back negative, you should avoid travel until at least 10 days have passed. If you are unable to use a mask during contact with others, you should not travel. If you’ve ever had any of these symptoms, you should avoid travel for 10 days.
Once the Order of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health is lifted, travelers can resume normal activities. The state’s travel advisory will no longer be in effect, but all travelers should follow CDC travel requirements. During this time, travelers should make use of COVID Alert PA, a free mobile app developed in collaboration with MIT Lincoln Laboratory and NearForm. The app uses Apple’s Exposure Notification System to send out COVID-19 alerts.
Visitors who are at least 18 years old must show proof of vaccination. Visitors who completed a primary vaccination course more than six months ago must receive a booster dose to protect against the disease. Unvaccinated minors between five and 18 years of age must show proof of vaccination, either through an R.T.-P.C.R. or an antigen test, four days before travel. Otherwise, they should undergo quarantine. For the time being, the risk assessment for Covid-19 is Level 3, which means there’s a high chance of disease.
Fortunately, some countries in Asia have begun to open their borders to tourists. Countries such as Thailand and Vietnam have recently re-opened their borders to travelers. While this is not an assurance that all countries will have a positive antigen test, it is better to be safe than sorry. Travel safety will depend on what you do before, during, and after your stay. However, in some cases, you can travel without any health risks. If you’re unsure, the Re-Open EU campaign can help you determine the right vaccinations for your destination.