Travel – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Travel is the act of moving between distant geographical locations. It may be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, bus, train, ship or airplane. Travel can be for business, leisure, or education. Travel may be a one way trip or round trip.When we are young travel is sensory and simple. There's that white-knuckle feeling of the plane taking off, the giddy whirl of your stomach as you spin in your seat on an escalator, the sustained hyper-real...

What Is a Lifestyle?

A lifestyle is the way a person lives, including habits, behaviors, and routines. It can include everything from what they eat and drink to how they spend their time. People’s lifestyles vary from person to person, depending on things like their culture, upbringing, and income level. People’s choices also impact their health and well-being. Developing a healthy lifestyle is essential for achieving a balanced life.Various definitions and...