Why Pets Make Great Pets For Kids

If you grew up with family pets, you likely want your children to have that same experience. But allergies, space constraints, or other factors may prevent you from getting a cat or dog. Fortunately, there are plenty of other animals that make great pets for kids. In addition to being fun and playful, pets can help teach kids about responsibility, empathy, and other life skills. If your children are old enough, you can let them take the lead on...

Planning Your Next Trip

The travel industry is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing sectors of the economy. It involves the movement of people between distant geographical locations for a variety of reasons, including recreation and rejuvenation, exploration, business and visiting friends and family. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, bus, boat, ship or airplane and may be a one way or round trip. Travel dates back thousands of years, with...

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

The term lifestyle is generally used to refer to an individual’s attitudes, values and worldviews as reflected in his or her choices of clothing, entertainment, food, recreation and other ways of living. It can also include patterns of social relations and relationships, and how a person spends his or her time. There are a number of different theories on lifestyle. Georg Simmel carries out formal analyses of lifestyles, while Pierre Bourdieu...