How Marketing Practices Influence the American Lifestyle

Whether it is our values, habits or beliefs, a lifestyle is a part of our personal identity. It is the sum of our interests, values and behavioural orientations. It was introduced in a book by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler in 1929 and was first defined as a "basic character" established in childhood. By 1961, it was defined as a "way of life". The concept of a lifestyle comprises many intangible factors that affect our daily choices and...

Keeping Up With the Latest Trends in Fashion

Aside from being a source of entertainment, fashion can also suggest social status. In groups of high social status, staying 'in style' is a way to show off your wealth and status. This can cost a significant amount of money, and it can also mean shunning from your social circle. Keeping up with the latest fashion trends can also help you attract a partner. As a result, fashion can be a great way to advertise your status to prospective mates....