Choosing Pets For Kids

Adding a furry friend to your family can teach children about responsibility and compassion. Choosing the right pet for kids depends on their age and the amount of time and attention they can give to an animal. From puppies to rabbits, hamsters to snakes, a variety of animals can make excellent pets for kids of all ages. Some pets are low-maintenance choices for toddlers and preschoolers, while others require more active attention from older...

The Importance of Travel

Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations, either for leisure or business. This can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, ship or airplane. It can be one way or round trip, and may involve a stay of a few days or several years. Travel can also include educational or volunteer work, migration to begin life anew elsewhere, religious pilgrimages, business trips and military service.Throughout history, the...