Travel Noire – What is Travel?

Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. This can be done on foot, by bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane or ship, either for pleasure or business. It can be a one way trip or a round trip, and it can involve luggage or not. It can be to a city, village, town or country. It can also be between two or more different countries.In the early days of travel, wealthy people would often hire ships to take...

The Concept of Lifestyle

A lifestyle is an integrated way of living, based on interests, values, attitudes and preferences, and reflected in the way one dresses, uses possessions, eats, sleeps, and spends leisure time. It also reflects the lifestyle choices of a family or group of individuals, and may be perceived as an expression of personality or culture. Generally, people use their lifestyle as an identity marker. For example, a teenager might be described as having...