Five Tips for Creating a Wardrobe That Fits Your Personality and Style

According to James Laver, a noted English costume historian, "Fashion is an identification with one's past, present, and future." It can be a low-key whisper, an up-and-coming shout, or an all-knowing wink. Regardless of the style, fashion can tell you something about your personality and personal style. It's about being comfortable and confident in your own skin. Here are five tips to follow in creating a wardrobe that fits your personality and...

Choosing the Right Pet For Your Child

Choosing the right pet for your child is important. They need a certain amount of space and require different care than humans do. A pet is a great way to make your child feel secure and happy. A dog or cat will also keep your child company, but it's important to know which one is best for your family. Your child should know the rules of your house before choosing a pet. If your child is overly aggressive or has a high activity level, consider...